Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Visit to Simon’s Music World

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 23rd November, 2011)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 10th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today Mom and I both had a clinic at the North West Regional Health Authority (N.W.R.H.A.) in Port-of-Spain. We were going to our Rheumatology Clinic with Dr. Peter Poon–King. This event takes too long. Plus, the pharmacy is another problem. You have to wait to see a pharmacist, wait for them to get the drugs and wait for them to bottle them and give you.

    Afterwards, mom and I took a long walk down to St. Vincent Street passing Globe Cinema and went to Simon’s Musical World. A nice lady named Miss Paula looked happy to see us, even though we don’t even know each other. Mom bought me a scorebook with music and it was called “The Best Songs Ever 7th Edition”

    I would remember that Aunty Paula was telling mom that when we walked into the store she could feel her pores raising and the light shining. What a thing? I felt happy that she was there for us to see her. We went home shortly after getting a bus down at City Gate. 

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Tenor Pan Exam (Preliminary)

 Date for Entry: (Saturday 19th November, 2011)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 10th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was my first Music Practical Examination in Solo Steelpan. The best part of this was that it was in (D.C.F.A.) Department of Creative and Festival Arts on Gordon Street. I was going to be examined at the Preliminary level. My Examiner for today was Dr. Jeannine Remy. She did some of the musical pieces that I had to learn for the exam and play for the exam.

     Part of the exam was to play a piece of music by the candidate’s choice so I decided to play the "Pathetique Sonata" melody that I learned for the Graduation in Hillview a while ago. I was glad to have the score because Mr. Lewis told me that the Examiner might ask to see a copy of the score. Even though I had it with me, I’m still glad that she didn’t need it because it was my only copy and I really needed it to read from.

    Also, I had to play an exercise that must be played from memory. I was lucky that the page was open for me to see it but I didn’t need it until she pointed out a mistake that I made and was able to correct it on the spot. One question on that, she asked me if I knew how she knew I made this mistake. I really did not know.

    In another part of the examination, Dr. Remy played a piece of music and I had to show a drawing with my hands to do conducting. I had no idea what to do because in class with Mr. Lewis we did not do any of this type of practice AT ALL. Before losing some points, I just started to draw with my hands in the air as she told me to do. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing at all for that particular question. On the other hand, I was amazed at the music she played for me on the piano (in Studio 4) to each viva voce question. 

    Dr. Remy gave me some extremely useful tips but unfortunately upon exiting the room, I had forgotten all that she had told me. I still felt ashamed of not knowing how to do the 'conducting' question. I left the room dressed as if I came from Church because I did not know what to wear. I had on my long sleeve white shirt and long black pants with black pants. I’m glad that I got a Distinction in the reports that came back.


  1. DCFA Steelpan Exams Booklet - Prelim & Grade 1 Tenor (2009-2011).** (Permission not granted by school for sharing.)
  2. "Pathetique Sonata" (Steelband Score - Nervine Saunders).
  3. Certificate from Examination (Photograph).

    *** The results sheet was misplaced.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hillview College's Graduation (2011)

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 10th November, 2011)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 10th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was my Graduation from Hillview College. It was said to be a big ceremony because of great accomplishments achieved by students in the elder part of the school. I loved the way how the hall was decorated and the excessive long speeches. There were quite a several people to speak around the head table and there were several others from the outer parts.

    Mrs. Zalaya Hassanali was there also. I played with the Steel Ensemble and we had five songs to play on that day. We played the National Anthem, the School's college song, Pathetique Sonata which was an arrangement done by Ms. Saunders’ father, Besame Mucho and Hero.

    There was a lot of students along with their parents and other people stretching way to the end of the sliding glassed entrance doors of the hall. I wondered how come such a small Auditorium could hold so many people. This was a nice joke shared amongst myself and some of the other ensemble members. 

    Several times we'd hear a teacher telling some of them to watch their volumes. It would have been boring after some time for them I'm sure. It was not so boring for me. I felt proud to be in my formalwear again and to be sitting amongst the others and having the opportunity to perform music and be a part of the service.

    The best part for me was that the Programme wasn’t a regular sheet of paper they would hand out and it would be crumpled easily by the end of the event. It was in fact a beautifully crafted booklet. And the better part of that was that I was getting to keep a copy of one so that one day it could have been added to this journal. (I hope if possible that it could be inserted in a clear pocket inside this same journal = original paper-based journal.)

    The Steel Ensemble was only Form 2s. Most of them were from my class as the West class had dominated it. Two other students from the other two Form 2 Classes. They made their name with laughter and chatting as they sat behind the six Bass Pan and talk. 

    Another part I enjoyed of this day was the red and gold chairs. They really did their job of having to sit so long. My tail bone would have been "yelling" in pain after all those hours of the ceremony. This was a very good experience. Hopefully, there will be another graduation where I will get to perform again for the school.


  1. Graduation Programme.**
  2. "Pathetique Sonata" (Steelband Score - Nervin Saunders).

Daryl Zion M. Ali