Wednesday, August 17, 2011

World Breastfeeding Week (2011) - BTOFF

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 17th August, 2011)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 9th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the closing ceremony for the World Breastfeeding Week done by (BOFFI) Breastmilk the Official First Food. This was in the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex (EWMSC), where I had to play the National Anthem on the pan and mommy had to perform her Perriot Grenada monologue as the Official Mascot of Mount Hope Women’s Hospital. 


  1. World Breastfeeding Week 2011 - (BTOFF Program)
  2. Pierrot Grenada Monologue

Daryl Zion M. Ali

World Breastfeeding Week (2011) - TIBS

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 17th June, 2011)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 10th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    I had a very happy day when I carried my Tenor pan down to the Queen’s Park Savannah in Port-of-Spain. I had to play the National Anthem in my yellow T-shirt at the beginning of the annual breastfeeding walk for TIBS.

    After the walk, mommy had to do her performance while everyone else was sitting down under the tents at Girls' Guide Headquarters eating their breakfast. I had to help mom do sign language because this year’s theme was “Talk to me! Breastfeeding a 3D Experience.”

    The food every year always taste great. I won a prize when they called out numbers from the tickets they keep. It was a hamper with flour and other cooking things.


  1. Pierrot Grenada Monologue

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pan Case Rush

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 3rd August 2011)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 9th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today Mommy and I went down to Panland again to purchase a pan case. It was to protect the pan as it was going up on the boat for Tobago. The journey was really not a simple one.

    First of all, mom had to pay with her card and their machine wasn’t working again. The lady at the desk took us over to Angostura to pay but their machine wasn’t working too. So, we went to First Citizens to access the money but then they had a problem or some kind of hold up. Then we went up the road to Republic Bank and then return to the store.

    It was a big heavy and black leather case. The cost was $1,281.00. I did not want mom to buy it because when I heard she had to pay with some of the Tobago money, she might not be able to pay back for it. But she wanted the pan to stay safe in Aunty Maraline's car when it travelled over to Tobago.


Daryl Zion M. Ali