Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Writing in the Visual, Performing and Carnival Arts (Trial 2) - (FOUN 1107)

  Date for Entry: (Tuesday 19th January 2021)

Actual Date of Online Entry: Friday 8th July 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This was the final of all my degree courses to complete. I was very excited to do it the first time. I felt like I had the confidence and the preparedness to go forth and conquer it. I was given two wonderful teachers for the plenary and tutorial. 

    The My-E-Learning setup was not so difficult to navigate this time around. My registration was not that early so I had to miss the first plenary. The slides for that class were easy to follow throughout. I liked the way the textbook was designed this time. Much better than in the first trial.

    I decided to take a gamble and register for the tutorial on the same day as the plenary. This is a big NO for me based on the advice given to me by own myself. I ended up changing the tutorial class when Mr. Ali left and followed my own advice. I was beginning to feel the consequences of not following myself.


  1. Course Outline.
  2. Course Textbook.
  3. Semester's Fee Sheet.**


* Thursday 4th March 2021 *

    This was the first day of my new tutorial class. I was asked by the teacher if I was ready for the assessment and I was. For this assessment, we were asked to (1) reflect on a part event as a student and to discuss the strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities that COVID-19 might present. 

    The topic of the semester was COVID-19 and its relationship to my art form. All of the individual presentations by students had to be done on the spot. Some persons in the call I saw still used a script. I cannot recall the mark that I got but it was a good one.


Friday 5th March 2021 *

    The musicians in the course had to listen to a piece of music called "COVID-19: A Roblex Video" from YouTube and write a critique on it. The word limit they gave us was not much. I saw that I did not have to add any citations for the assignment maybe because they did not teach us that as yet. I was able to save notes from Mr. Ali's PowerPoints into six neat pages to help review the work before attempting the assignment.


  1. Graded Assignment. ** [Not Available.]
  2. Critique Writing Notes
  3. COVID-19: A Roblex Video.


* Friday 26 March 2021 *

    The date above was the submission date for this assignment via the My-E-Learning platform’s Turnitin. The tutorial class was set into groups. Each one had to have a member from a different artistic discipline. There was a girl from music and another from dance in the group I was assigned.

    The next two weeks would be difficult. I was finishing the final sets of paintings for “Magical Creatures” and then mommy died on Tuesday 16 March 2021. I was also emotionally attacked for a while at home.

    The work involved in this portfolio seemed impossible to get everything done. The funeral service was on Saturday morning and then by Sunday evening when I got home, I restricted my strategy and quotas and got everything completed by half three on Tuesday.

    I wanted all my work done to submit because I felt as if my group was about to break out in an argument. So before being yelled at I had it finished and sent it to our WhatsApp group for proof. I just thank God that the argument did not happen.

    One issue I had with the submission was that we had to provide drafts and I didn’t have any because I would have worked on the three pieces of literature one after the other. I had to copy and paste something from my completed work and ‘doctor’ it to make it look like a draft.

    Dr. Campbell was not wanting to say yes about this in class so I continued to do it for the sake of the assignment. The document was processed over a Goggle Docs file and then edited for submission by one of the group members. I find that in terms of Guidelines, they should specify how they would like our work to be laid out. When the students have this choice, the work can become disorganized easily as in our submission.


  1. Guidelines & Instructions.
  2. Portfolio Submission.
  3. Personal Response. ** [For Request by Email.]
  4. Mommy Funeral Service.**


* Friday 2nd April 2021 *

    We had an online quiz on tenses, commas, punctuation, etc. It was multiple choice and as always, there was a timer involved. I had to try and abandon the panic in me because of the timer and complete the test. I was glad to pass it in the end.



* Tuesday 13 April 2021 *

    The final examination was to write and submit a compare and contrast essay. This was the moment of truth to see if I was good enough to do this essay. It came with more challenges and I have been taking the opportunities in the “Writing for Academic Purposes” course for this exam.

    When I got the instruction paper, I got a scrapbook opened and started making notes. It felt like I had to decode the question being asked. I also decided to plan the essay from the same “Writing for Academic Purposes” course using the classification essay planner I did for Dr. Dixon’s tutorial and assignment.

**picture of the plan.

    The essay was completed within two days and then reviewed. The strange thing about the topic was that it was like two teams containing two members and they each had to be compared. I saw that from the plan and realized why it was so hard to see it my first time in the course.


  1. Guidelines & Instructions.
  2. Final Essay Submission.

Daryl Zion M. Ali