Thursday, June 4, 2020

Music Degree - FINALS (Yr3; Sem2)

Date for Entry: (Thursday 4th June 2020)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 27th June 2022)

Dear Diary,

    The final examination session took some time to come. The COVID-19 lockdown kept us on pause from classes and even the semester itself ended later than expected.

    All examination question papers were sent by email from the lecturers or by UWI’s My-E-Learning platform. We were expected to type notate our responses and submit them as prescribed by the instructions.

    This time around, there was no provision of the candidate’s receipts. I made the effort to create cover pages that provided the same information from those receipts. Durations for the exam were now set for some days.


* Friday 17th April 2020 *

This was a "year long" course. The thesis was submitted on the UWI's My-E-Learning platform. There is an entire entry created on the details of that course at an earlier date. The project itself was a straight 100% 'coursework'.


  1. Thesis (Submission) - Daryl-Ali-Humn3099-2020.


* Thursday 4th June 2020 *

This was the first ‘COVID-19’ examination for the semester. I did not expect to witness the experience of an open book exam by UWI. That felt very unusual. I cannot recall the duration given for the exam until the deadline. For each question given in the exam, I created a box highlighting it.

    Two lessons were asked of us to prepare. I saw that Mr. Sharma added the “I’m gonna live so” arrangement for a voice that he had the little Sunday Schoolers sing in church. I was thankful for the idea in Assignment 3 of planning the work into different quotas. That helped me to complete this exam comfortably.


  1. Music Education 2 – FINAL Examination Response.



* Friday 12th June 2020 *

This examination came in by the UWI My-E-Learning. The moment I opened the document, I went thought the question three times in order to clarify my vexed feeling. I did not answer or start working on it immediately. I left that exam to do for the next day because of the type of questions asked. The responses were typed and sent in on the day of the exam.


  1. Question Paper.
  2. Final Examination Response.** [Not Available.]


Daryl Zion M. Ali