Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Service (2019)

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 25 December 2019)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 23rd March 2022)

Dear Diary,

    The song of choice for the Sunday School Steelband was “Do you Hear What I Hear” as a collaboration arrangement by Mr. Sharma and myself. I did the first attempt and he took it to fix something in it. We had the performance done somewhere after the sermon.



  1. Christmas Service (2019) – Aramalaya Programme.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Friday, December 6, 2019

Music Degree – FINALS (Yr3, Sem1)

Date for Entry: (Friday 6 December 2019)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 23rd March 2022)

Dear Diary,

    In this semester, there were only three out of the five courses that came with a final written examination which were Choral Arranging, Individual Steelpan (of Performance music 5), and Musi Education 1.

    The composition required a final portfolio and the Caribbean Studies Project (thesis) being a ‘year-long’ course did not have a final submission.

    However, for the thesis, a draft review of work done for the semester had to be done by the supervisor and he/she had to fill out that review form and then had it submitted to the appropriate office. Mr. Sharma and I did not know if marks were involved in this but we did the review and I went to submit the form immediately after that exercise was completed.


  1. Final Examination Timetable - (Yr2, Sem1).




* Friday 6 December 2019 *

    The “Handsome Butcher” was given to us as a final conducting piece. I had a lot of markings on my score to help revise it. This was conducted at noon just before the final written examination. It took us a long while to get through everyone’s conducting and sing it every time. Everyone had to submit their journal entries and then run down to MD3 for the exam. The journal was supposed to record our conducting experiences in the course every time we did it. I had forgotten to write the dates in them so most of the entries would have “Forgotten/Unknown”.

    The final examination was long but they still gave us two hours. I used up all the time. Only four times I had checked over. My receipt was labelled and placed into my folder for safekeeping after. Some of us were trying to figure out which question was used for the definition of choral that Mr. Murry said to look out for since the first class. I wrote it down in my book when he said, “Text is the basis of choral music.”


  1. “The Handsome Butcher” score.
  2. Choral Arranging 1 – Conducting Journal.
  3. Choral Arranging – Candidate’s Receipt.**



* Monday 9 December 2019 *

The exam was in the morning and started at nine. My two pieces were “Allegro” by J. H. Fiocco and the second piece was misplaced. It is not known at this time. During the semester, Mr. Sharma had me try one of his compositions in an outdated steelpan examination book.


  1. Fiocco’s “Allegro”.** [Permission was not Granted.]
  2. Frenetic.** [Permission was not Granted.]



* Monday 16 December 2019 *

The Music Education 1 final examination was a tough one. The two hours were not enough. We really should have three hours in the same way we have three hours of class. I felt like I was defeated. It was only until the first class on Music Education 2, in the next semester that Mr. Sharma made the joke that everyone failed which was true. I was really close to that twenty-five.


  1. Music Education 1 – Candidate’s Receipt.


Daryl Zion M. Ali