Saturday, August 4, 2018

Khandahar Open Bible Church & Songwriting

 Date for Entry: (Saturday 4th August, 2018)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 27th January 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today I woke at six in the morning to prepare to go to a new church. I was going to attend a song writing workshop. The amazing feeling of the church was nothing I’d feel like before. It gave me the feeling of life and that the environment around me was real. It is not something that I might be able to experience at Aramalaya but it was amazing. The feeling had me take an extremely slow walk up the aisle in the empty building to take it in. Even the rising sun through the front of the sanctuary’s glass was calling.

    The class was not big. I went there as a person trying to learn some concept but I told myself to take it as a fun experience. I was right when the class began with the seven of us. Listening to way the everyone spoke in their introduction and looking at the way they were in class, I realised and felt like I was outnumbered. I was a musician, yes, but in their space, it was a completely different type of art within their music. In addition to them, it felt as if they had a particular gift that I was not given.

    We were given these nice red folders with the handouts and notes for the class. I made sure to write down the things I did not know. It was twice I tested the teacher in two questions. I did not think that she was a musician. The moment the wonderful grade one music theory was introduced I was very concerned with the way the lady taught it. I did not remember her name.

    There was supposed to be a Mr. Reuel Lynch who was supposed to come and do the music aspect but he ended up coming later in the afternoon. One thing that stuck with me was the way he said, “There was one rare occasion where I saw four [in the time of] six-four.” I sat quietly on my chair and tried to figure out exactly what he meant by that. Just by the instant hearing of it, my body and ear did not want to agree for some reason. Up to now, I still don’t understand what he meant.

    I sat next to a gentleman named Jason Haynes and we worked on music for the class. We were given an assignment to work on a piece of music after all the talking that the lady did for the class. He saw what I had written down and then build from what I had. I also walked with my laptop that day to the workshop just in case I had to write out music notation. It came in good because I was able to get a beautiful harp piece going. He ended up singing what he build from some of my words as the music played.

    Again, in the way the lady taught the music theory, it was not so well done. They were throwing time signatures at us but you need several classes to go through all of it instead of one day. I knew the idea he was telling me to do and I could not explain it to him in that short space of time. I also could not comment because everyone might have watched me strange as it usually happens. He wanted to do a six-four. The issue I knew was going to happen had happened in the presentation. The time required to do it also would be a lot to figure it out. I did email him the music I did towards the end of the class. I hope that it works well if he decides to use it.



Printed Handouts.**

Recording of Workshop Exercise to Jason.**


Daryl Zion M. Ali