Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Music Certificate (Year 1; Semester 2): Exam Results

 Date for Entry: (Unknown/Forgotten)


Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 15th September, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    On this day I received my grades and felt so glad to see that the courses were passed. I was grateful. Musicology and Introduction to World music was a really tough experience to go through. Even not knowing how to arrange a piece of music and attempting to do it, I was still glad that it was workable and 'acceptable' to some unknown level. 

    For the Musicology class, I was not able to source a photograph of the large scroll I made (6 rows by 2 columns). This course was awarded an 'ultimate project' as I call it. The project is awarded to the most difficult course of the semester and all of the content is simplified to the best that I can in preparation for final exams and study throughout the semester. 

    The 'ultimate project' can be created in various forms such as a 'UWI' textbook that was recreated (their compilation books), a textbook created from scratch as the Introduction to World music textbook, or some form of chart marking. I don't think my classmates for Musicology were appreciative of it but I was glad to take the chance of making something that had aided me in my studies. I also Thank Mrs Nicholas for allowing me the opportunity to share it on that final day of the class.



  1. Grade Details (Music Certificate - Year 1; Semester 2).

Daryl Zion M. Ali