Friday, May 6, 2016

World Music (Final) Exam

Date for Entry: (Friday 6th May, 2016)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 16th September, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today was my Introduction to World Music final exam. It was only this past week that I put together the scratch created textbook before. It was done on legal-size sheets of paper and I only sold three copies. I knew it would have been a very good idea because with all of those numbers of e-mails that Mrs. Neaves sent to us in class and then the problems that could happen such as a student could be missing one, or the file can’t open, it can’t be seen in their inbox or they misplaced their printed handouts from the lectures.

    Upon reaching school, I walked into the yard and then Justin called me out. He was sitting in with Kern in Kern's red car going over some notes. While they talked to me and went through some of the questions I showed them the book and they laughed out with big smiles. Then I went over to show my other friend Brian. It was now getting closer to exam time and I still felt as if I did not study enough.

    In the exam, I took my time and wrote out the answers that came to mind. I was glad that I did the research for the book because a good section in the essay part I did with Brazil’s music history would have used the majority of that personal research.

    At the end of the examination, most of the students were at the end of the corridor outside of Mr. Murry’s office. They were talking about the exam and then most of them were surprised when I told them that I wrote on eight pages of the Answer booklet when most of them used five and four. I was glad to get back the question paper for the entry of this journal entry.


    Music theory continued as the expected procedure. The rhythm clapping and Solfege singing was done on the last day of class. Only the written listening and written theory were done during the scheduled date for this exam. 



  1. World Music Final Exam - Question Paper & Candidate's Receipt.
  2. Certificate Exam Timetable - Yr1 Sem2.
  3. General Musicianship 2 - Final Assessment Objectives.


Daryl Zion M. Ali