Thursday, May 1, 2014

Field Trip to Chaguaramas Convention Centre

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 1st May, 2014)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 24th June, 2021)


Dear Diary,

    Today some students of the school were going on a field trip to a Career Fair, Conference and Entertainment Expo at the Chaguaramas Convention Center. I was excited about this. The trip was very long but it was good. The boys from Form 4 East sang most of the songs during the day. The formal wear made it all hot too.

    The lunch break was short. Probably about half an hour. Three teachers and Ms. Saunders went to the side of the bay. This was outside of the building, across the road and far down to the part meeting the ocean. While I was walking with Joshua, we both had a  really good joke to laugh about we both lost it. The four teachers sat on a tree log and I stood in the back. I did not feel to eat anything so I opened a bottle of cranberry water that they were giving out for free. I took an extra free bottle but gave it to someone who got thirsty. 

    Later that day, I saw Akeelah from CXC Masters but she was very busy so I just wave bye-bye with my hand through the air. When the conference continued after lunch, we were taught about two boys who first worked for Marchell Montano. And then Kes and Riki Jai were there. I was glad to leave because it was a bit kind of boring at the same time. Plus, Chutney isn’t really my favourite type of music. 

    On leaving the Convention Center, we were given a Police escort back from Chaguaramas all the way to Hillview's compound. I took my blue Decibel cloth bag they gave us and went home when dad came to pick me up. I wished that I was able t take photographs of some of the things that had happened.


  1. Official Hillview Letter to Chaguaramas Field Trip.

Daryl Zion M. Ali