Wednesday, October 9, 2013

New Books to Collection

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 9th October, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 14th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today dad went to Simon’s Music World to purchase three Grade 4 Past Papers. Mr. Lewis sent him because he had run out of his bunch of past papers to quiz me. I got a sad ‘pass’ of sixty-seven (67) in the Grade 4 exam I did at St. Georges. So, this is my "Season 2" of Grade 4 . Let’s hope two brings the distinction. 


Daryl Zion M. Ali

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Evening of Elegance

Date for Entry: (Unknown/Forgotten; Saturday)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 14th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the Annual Tea Party and Fashion Show that Aunty Hermie had designed for at the Belmont Secondary School. It was in the School’s Gym and I had set up my Pan and Keyboard at the front to perform. In the beginning, I had to play the National Anthem and Mom had to be their Master of Ceremonies. 

The songs that I played were:

  • The National Anthem of Trinidad & Tobago
  • Besame Mucho
  • Jesu Joys of Man’s Desiring
  • Sound of Silence
  • Human Nature
  • Titanic



  1. "Evening of Elegance" Program.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

Friday, October 4, 2013

Farewells to Grandma Grace

 Date for Entry: (Friday 4th October, 2013)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 15th June, 2021)

 Dear Diary,

    Today was the funeral for Grandma Grace. I also missed my 40% Spanish Exam. The day was cool and gradually began to increase in temperature. I had to play for Grama when she arrived in her Casket. I sat down first. I didn’t look at her because I was nervous to play in front of people. My hand began to start shaking. Either two or three pieces were played. I had packed back the pan in the case and then I went over to see her with mom. before sitting again.

    I’m not going to forget her because the imagination to which Jesus had taught me to manipulate certainly helps me to bring her back whenever I may need her. But she’s always there somewhere with the others looking around.

    During the Church Service, Aunty Hermie and Aunty Macky from Mt. Hope came. I was happy to see them since a long time had passed since I didn’t see them. Then Dad and Andrew came and sat. Mom and I were in the front seat of the second row as usual. 

    Aunty Annmarie gave the Eulogy and it was touching and inspiring at the same time. It told me that education is a very important thing and that it is hard to get an education even though it is so important to have. But the part that she said how Grama Grace’s Husband found her was touching to my heart. I wished that could happen in an experience for me. 

    At Belgrove's Aunty Sharmine brought Papa, Aja and Aje to the cremation service. Mom took the four of them to see her and the others watched. Towards the end,  Dad and Andrew left they wanted to carry me up Curepe with them but I didn’t want to go. So then mom had to step in to help me with the fight.

    Uncle Cristy and Uncle Shane had enjoyed me laying the pan in the family home living room. I could remember before I played Suhanni Raat for Uncle Cristy, he didn’t believe me and then he said again that if I can play Suhani Raat, I can play anything. Then Trudy came in and said, “Like yuh real know yuh Indian songs, boy?” 

    Then Mark’s wife had found out from mom that I was going to ask to play at their wedding. She said that she "had wanted pan at her wedding but she didn’t know I could play". Later that evening, I fell asleep from about five o'clock to eight o’clock in the backroom by Grama House. Then I woke up to go home and the twins had helped me up away from the pan. I felt really tired I could walk properly.


  1. Grama Grace Funeral Programme.


Daryl Zion M. Ali