Thursday, June 30, 2011

Form 1 - Music Exam - Term 3 (Final)

Date for Entry: (Unknown/Forgotten)

[FORM 1 - TERM 3 - 2011]

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Tuesday 7th September, 2021) 

(Entry as Update) 

Dear Diary,

    This was a past Form One examination for music done at the end of the third term. At this point in my life, music theory with how much I would have taught and trained myself alone may have been plenty but still not enough. I was not given that type of education where a teacher would explain certain terms and concepts in detail for me to understand.

    I can see from this exam that a good attempt was made by myself but I also saw the need for further learning required. Question six of all was the first most unfair part of the examination. After I viewed the paper before writing this entry (in 2021), I saw that most of it were exercises taken from a music theory workbook that was perhaps an American one.

    It was not fair to me that there were questions asked on note names by fractions. In addition, on the final page, a crossword puzzle that may have to seem a bit troublesome to a student would not be advised by myself in future as a teacher. It reminded me of the General Musicianship 1 and 2 textbooks used at UWI and also the Aural Training 1 and 2. Overall, I did appreciate the attempt made at creating a final exam while participating in answering the questions. 

    I reviewed the message to Miss Saunders and can recall a teacher once telling me in a smaller age that it was a rule to write everything in pencil. I had this encountered message with that particular teacher when doing an assignment in pen. In those younger ages myself, I did not like to write music in pencil but my pen. Even if it was writing out a piece of music by myself for fun in a manuscript book. To date, I came to realise that maybe the teacher was trying to pull a joke but still wonder if it was a warning.



  1. Form 1 Music Theory Exam (Final).

Daryl Zion M. Ali