Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Instrument Assignment

 Date for Entry: (Unknown/Forgotten)

[2010: Form 1 West]

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 23rd June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was my marking deadline for Music Class with Ms. Saunders. She gave us the assignment to create a musical instrument without having to go into a Music Store to purchase one. The instrument had to make music and we were required to make a group performance. The moment I showed Ms. Saunders the xylophone, the whole class was in a moment of awkward silence and that was very nervous-making for me. 

    When I had to perform, it felt amazing because the wind that accompanied me in the atmosphere was heavenly. It made me feel the music as I was playing the sound. I had decided to play Amazing Grace in C Major. The format Vinod and I used only made the instrument that particular key. We took the entire day to get the material at the hardware and to get it cut in the workshop downstairs.

    After a boy called me and I went to join their group that I did not want to be with. It was an easy piece of music I didn’t learn but heard a while ago and got out right on the spot. How cool? It was just the four of us and they had a Shac-Shac, a Drum and a "guitar" looking instrument. I'm sure that we got a high mark for group performance. 


    Coming back home to Tunapuna (house three) from our weekend trip in Couva, Mommy and I put the xylophone together. We used a glue gun and stuck the rod pieces onto two strips of sponge. 

    The biggest question was about mallets in my mind. The instructions we got did not provide us anything so we got two old markers and stuck large macrame beads on the marker covers. I wished we stick the covers onto the marker so they wouldn't fall off. Overall, I'm very glad that the presentation and coursework assignment was done well.

Daryl Zion M. Ali