Thursday, June 17, 2010

TML Graduation (2010)

 Date for Entry: Thursday 17th June, 2010

Date of Online Entry: Tuesday 8th June, 2021

Dear Diary,

    Today was my Graduation Day in T.M.L. (Trinidad and Tobago Muslim League) in St. Joseph. It took place right over the road in La Joya’s Auditorium. They had our hats made from black Bristol board for our heads and a purple gown to wear over the school uniform.

    The ceremony was long. During the distribution of awards, my name was called twice. Once for my Graduation Certificate and the other was a usual T.M.L. student's award to add to my collection.

    I knew that when dad drive out of the parking yard that it would be the last time I’ll be there until a long period. I leave back there some of the most hurting, painful and a FEW happy times I spent there as I look towards the future. 

    The time for the beginning of a new school has come upon me. One door is closed with its tasks completed, which another is open and holds the future with another story. I hope that it is not a scary as this previous one. Farewell, dear TML, and thank you for the journey over those long nine years. 

Daryl Zion M. Ali