Tuesday, December 12, 2006

First Music Classes at Sam's Symphony

 Date for Entry: (Monday 12th December, 2006)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Thursday 24th June, 2021)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the first day of my music lessons in Sam’s Symphony School of Music. I was so nervous because I felt that mom was going to drop me there and that she might end up coming back late or would have forgotten me. She packed a pencil and a blue book with a bunch of lines printed on every page. It was Andrew's book from Form One that was no longer in use.

    The name of the book was a music manuscript. I didn’t know what it was for. It looked so weird. I certainly had no idea what hard things music was going to be or what they will put me to learn. But that was all of my thoughts in my mind during the ride to the place, which was next to the St. Augustine Tennis Court. 

    I made a new friend from Charlieville and the teacher had to help the both of us write out the notes quickly because we couldn’t write fast enough. 


    I know that we couldn't draw the treble clef properly at the time. That first class showed us the staff/stave, the treble and bass clefs and the names of notes on both staves. The teacher gave us homework that was to practice drawing the treble clef. She wrote only the first staff with dashed lines of trebles clefs for us to trace and then told us to continue practising. She did not tell us how many staves were really needed to be done. 

    By the time the second class came, Miss Sharon did not remember to collect the homework and when I showed her my homework practice, her face was in instant shock when she saw the entire page filled up with treble clefs. I know I was in Miss Hannah class in Standard two at the time. School examinations were already over and I got to enjoy the feeling of pulling out the music manuscript book and practising drawing them in my class. 

    At this time, I was happy because I had some kind of music education going on. I carried my book with notes from the first class too but it did not make sense reading it over and over. It came in writing it over and over, and over, and over, form then all the way up into Standard 5. 

    Miss Sharon would have only thought us two more classes before a new teacher came to take over. I had a very close peek at the large casebound notebook that she used in class. The notes were perfect and well layout. I wished that at the time I dared to ask her permission to look into her book. 

    I had Music Theory on Tuesdays and then Musicianship classes on Thursdays. Both classes were an hour starting from four in the afternoon. At the time I did not even know what musicianship was about and seemed to be wasting time because we didn't anything much in them. Had a fall out with one of the teachers who was VERY mean and picky towards me. 

    I was glad that she was removed and brought Miss Cory. Can't remember her full name or how to spell it but that's how we called her. She was or sure not a national from Trinidad and Tobago. We learned that "Sound of Music" was her favourite show from a workshop I attended. I did not last long with Sam's and by the time I was in Standard Three I learned that they had closed down the school and started something else.


  1. Sam's Symphony Receipt.


Daryl Zion M. Ali